Why the Mayan calendar?

• Living the Mayan Calendar
The World Tree
The increasing health risks of the Gregorian calendar
The global nature of the Mayan calendar

Living the Mayan Calendar

The Mayan calendar is currently attracting interest all over the world. Yet, different people mean entirely different things by this concept and so at least at present it takes some sorting out to approach it. Before going into any calendrical details, I think however that we may ponder why it is that people now feel an intuitive attraction to a concept that they maybe do not have a clear idea about. Why is it for instance that if you announce a talk about the Mayan calendar that this will usually draw a large crowd, while if you announce a talk about the Viking calendar or the Muslim calendar you would probably stand in an empty room?

I think the answer to this question is that people know that there is some fundamental aspect of the evolution of life that has been imperceptible for a long time. For those that have had some prior contact with the calendrical system that was used in ancient times in Mexico and Guatemala (what archaeologists call Mesoamerica) it may also have become clear that the way these cultures related to time was radically different from that of most people today. The thought will then come naturally (as it did to me some 25 years ago): The Mesoamerican calendar system may reveal a profound aspect of life that we for long have been oblivious to.

The conclusion I have drawn from my research about the Mayan calendar is that this hidden aspect of life is the ongoing process of divine creation that we are living in and that the purpose of this is soon to be fulfilled. Consciousness has been evolving for 16.4 billion years (ever since the Big Bang) and we are soon, within a very short span of time, to come to realize the higher purpose of our lives and what evolution has been all about. The changing energies of time encoded in the Mayan calendar is propelling our consciousness to evolve according to a certain logic and certain patterns, that is the Cosmic Time Plan, and at this critical point in time increasing numbers of people want to know what this looks like. If we are here to deliver the completion of a divine plan, we had better know what we are to deliver.

The World Tree

Having said that, it is obvious that we are talking about something entirely different from a calendar in the common sense of the word. It seems that the source of this divine creation is an all-encompasing Creative Principle, the Cosmic World Tree, what the Maya would call Hunab-Ku, the Vikings Yggdrasil and the Jews the Tree of Life. Through holographic resonance at the galactic, planetary and human levels this Creative Principle conditions the evolution of consciousness all over the universe, including on our own planet. It does so by creating alternating fields of consciousness that brings about evolution in all of its aspects. The Mayan calendar is a codification of these different energies that are pulsated by the World Tree, and its glyphs and numbers symbolize these energies.

To many modern people the existence of a World Tree with a crucial role in shaping our daily lives may be too much to swallow (Are we not the designers of our own lives?). I think however that we should remind ourselves that the idea of a World Tree is probably the most widespread of all ”myths” in the ancient world. Not only that, in the Biblical story of Adam and Eve, the World Tree provides the very stage of divine creation. In the Icelandic Sagas Yggdrasil plays a similar role and among the Maya, one of their best known long-term calendars, the so-called Long Count that started in 3114 BC, was activated by the First Father by his raising of the World Tree. Maybe then there is something here that we are missing. If the World Tree set the stage for divine creation according to several different ancient cultures, widely separated in space and time, maybe we should seek to understand what it is.

If the Mayan calendar charts the vibrations of the World Tree and this World Tree is all-encompassing and universal in nature then this has a very significant consequence: This is that the cycles of the Mayan calendar are not subordinated to the astronomical cycles of our local planet. The pulses emitted from the World Tree influence not only our own planet, but also all planetary systems in our galaxy as well as in all other galaxies. Thus, if we are to resonate with the pulses of the World Tree, there is very little reason to believe that we should base our notion of time on the particular period of revolution of our own planet. This brings us to what makes the Mayan calendar unique, namely that, unlike all other calendrical systems, it is not based on or subordinated to astronomical cycles. It is not subordinated to the movement of matter and in fact this is a necessary pre-requisite of a calendar system that is prophetic. Since the evolution of consciousness is propelled by pulses emanating from the World Tree a prophetic calendar system must be based on these pulses rather than the relative mechanical movements of the Earth, Moon and Sun. In this view then the evolution of consciousness is primary to the cycles of celestial bodies.

To return then to my original question, "Why the Mayan Calendar?" I would like to answer this: Because human beings in increasing numbers feel the need to synchronize their spiritual evolution with the divine plan rather than with endlessly repeated mechanical movements. In the present energy of time, the beginning of the Fourth DAY of the Galactic Underworld (see below), the day energies emitted by the Hunab-Ku have become so powerful that they can no longer be ignored. We are living in an ”Underworld”, a period that propels the evolution of a certain level of consciousness, where strong cosmic energy shifts take place with such a high frequency that people everywhere experience a speed-up of “time.” (Actually, as is often said, time is an illusion. This illusion is caused by alternating pulses of consciousness emitted by the World Tree.) The experience of a speed-up of time is obviously not consistent with calendars, such as the Gregorian, that are based on mechanical movements. Nor can it be explained by common astrology as the duration of the planetary cycles has not undergone any significant change. We are thus present to an increasing conflict between two different ways of relating to time, time based on alternating spiritual fields developing our consciousness or time based on mechanical movements of celestial bodies (which the mechanics of the watch is directly linked to). This is the heart of the matter and this is really what should determine our choice of calendar. Do we want a calendar that supports our resonance with the energies of the divine process of creation or the mechanical movements of our local solar system?

The increasing health risks of the Gregorian calendar

This is not an abstract question for philosophically inclined to muse upon. It is increasingly a question that has implications for human health and wellbeing. Hence, especially since the beginning of the Galactic Underworld there has been a dramatic increase in many countries of the phenomenon known as burnout. This sometimes takes the form of a kind of paralysis of affected individuals. While the media in general present this as a result of the increased tempo in the work place, the Mayan calendar offers a deeper and more fundamental reason. Burnout is a condition that arises because of the conflict between expressions of different levels of consciousness in an individual. A person might for instance have been born into the kind of materialist consciousness that was typical of the Planetary Underworld, which began in 1755. In this Underworld the existence of any spiritual influence on human life came to be denied and so also a mechanical notion of time was developed. Since early 1999 we are however most strongly affected by the pulses of the Galactic Underworld, which develops a more spiritual consciousness at a much higher pace. From the combined effects on our consciousness of these two Underworlds a conflict may arise in the human individual. Some people may in a stepwise fashion be able to smoothly integrate the new consciousness-transforming pulses of the Galactic Underworld. Others, especially those that deny the existence of the new pulses that the Mayan Calendar describes, will resist their influence until a point is reached where the conflict between the two levels of consciousness become so intense that a kind of social paralysis of the affected may result: burnout.

Figure 1. The Galactic Underworld with the pulsewise development of new energies (DAYS 1 through 7) is shown in the lower row. In the upper row are the traditional tzolkin rounds that are part of the Galactic Underworld (In the Galactic Underworld there is a total of eighteen tzolkin rounds. Following the Midlight Meditation on June 1-2, 2005 there are however only nine to go.

It should be said here that my research into the Mayan calendar, proving the existence of pulses step-by-step transforming our consciousness (essentially whether we like it or not), also has more general implications for how we are to look upon health in the time ahead. Staying healthy will not only be about keeping our body-mind balance, or recovering it when it is lost, but about smoothly upgrading our consciousness step-by-step with the incoming pulses. The ongoing transformation of the human being leads to a definition of health as the ability to attain new states of balance that our body-mind may never have experienced in the past. Calendrical energies have been taken into consideration for long by Mayan shamans in healing work. The reason is that they know that the energies of the days influence consciousness and that consciousness influences the state of our bodies. Such ideas may be alien to modern hospital care (imagine deciding the date of surgery based on its ruling tzolkin energy), but will gain increasing relevance in the time ahead, at least within alternative medicine. The influence of the energies of time will increasingly need to be considered in healing practices. We are at a point in our evolution where a fundamental choice of calendar will present itself more starkly to us in our everyday lives because of the speed-up of time. In my view the calendar of the future is the prophetic Mayan calendar system.

For those with a greater interest in how divine creation and the various energies of the Sacred Mayan Calendar (also known as the tzolkin) manifest in human history and our individual lives I recommend my own books The Mayan Calendar (Garev 2001) and The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (Bear and Co, 2004). These link up the rather brief and abstract ideas presented in this article with the concrete facts of cosmic evolution in many of its aspects. In my view, the Mayan calendar, because it goes back to the so-called Big Bang, 10 billion years before our own solar system even came into existence, provides a framework that is more encompassing than any other astrological system. Also, the Mayan astrological system in contrast to most others, is cosmic rather than geocentric.

The global nature of the Mayan calendar

So how do I know that the calendrical system that I have outlined is truly aligned with the flow of divine creation? Well, as I said, in my books I present extensive empirical evidence that this is the case. I would however like to add another point of interest in this matter and this is my contact with Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma, avatars who lives in the Golden City in South India. Sri Bhagavan’s mission is to develop processes, including sutras and dikshas, to aid in the enlightenment of humanity by the year 2012. Certainly, there may be many other paths towards enlightenment than the ones Sri Bhagavan is providing, but it is clear that at the present time there is a very rapidly increasing interest in his. In this context what is interesting is that his mission has a deadline that conforms to the Mayan calendar. You may then have thought that he had read somewhere of the famous end date of the Mayan calendar and based his deadline on this. This was actually not the case. Before Sri Bhagavan had read my book The Mayan Calendar he had no knowledge even of the existence of this prophetic calendar system of the ancient Native Americans. Instead, the deadline was based on visions people had in South India. And while certainly these were never formalised with the kind of sophistication that it was in the ancient Mayan calendar it is nonetheless very noteworthy that this prophecy amounted to an essentially similar time plan meant to bring humanity to an enlightened state of consciousness. What this means is that the reality of the energies of time described by the ancient Maya is increasingly making themselves felt to people all over the planet, people with origins in widely different traditions. And, of course, this is exactly what we should expect given the cosmic nature of the World Tree that drives the evolution of consciousness all over the planet.

This is the reason for the increasing interest in the Mayan calendar at the present time. The energies of the days are becoming something to experience rather than a mental construct. Certainly, if we have faith that the Cosmic Time Plan will lead us to the New Jerusalem, Shambala or whatever we would like to call it, we should make this calendar an integral part of our daily lives and spiritual practices. The Mayan calendar however has little to say about what paths we are to choose. It does not tell us whether we should practice Yoga, Qi Gong, TM, give dikshas or practice Karma Yoga. The Mayan calendar is not another path. Rather it is the temporal framework of all the paths and it provides the reason that there exist any paths to begin with. It charts the Cosmic Time Plan for the collective path of humanity towards enlightenment. We may choose to make that Time Plan conscious to ourselves and others. It is thus a good idea to seek to integrate the Mayan calendar in our daily activities to aid us ride the ups and downs of divine creation (Yes, there will be ups and downs!) and keep our focus straight on its intended completion; the enlightenment of humanity.

Since the beginning of the Fourth DAY of the Galactic Underworld (Gregorian Dec 4, 2004) there has been a tremendous strengthening of the pulses emanating from the World Tree and this intensification will go on until the energy 13 Light in the current tzolkin count (corresponding to Gregorian June 1, 2005). This is the last date of the tzolkin count and a much prophesized energy of enlightenment, and so the following day a new tzolkin count will begin. These dates are the dates of the Midlight Meditation. I invite everyone to experience these dates as a peak of the strong energies that are now coming in with the Fourth DAY. These are days for worldwide celebrations and extremely potent days for all work aiming to transform human consciousness. They also provide an excellent opportunity to start following the true Mayan tzolkin count. I feel we have now come to a point where we should not merely gather at critical days, such as June 1-2, 2005 (13 Light and 1 Alligator), but really also do preparatory work to merge our paths with the divine time plan as we know it from the Mayan calendar. Whether we like to practice yoga or Tai Chi, Silva Method or Kabbalah, not to mention the activities of our daily lives, we should seek to do so in the rhythm provided by the true tzolkin count. What it is all about is making our individual lives part of the larger divine plan and allow this to give us guidance in what very likely will turn out to be very turbulent times in the years ahead. It is not only what we do that matters. It is also when we do it.

Carl Johan Calleman