Where is Britain located in relation to the Mayan World Tree?


Even if today most people would probably say that the United States epitomises a “western” nation, few would dispute that also the United Kingdom is a western nation. Not only did Great Britain once create a large empire of colonies all across the world, but as an expression of the current western dominance of the world it has also emerged victorious in a series of wars with various powers located east of it on the European continent. Moreover, England and Scotland were the cradles of Industrialism and forms of democratic rule were implemented earlier there than anywhere on the European continent, except in certain regards maybe Switzerland or Sweden. Isaac Newton was the person that more than anybody else helped cut the scientific world view in stone. And so, also in terms of its values, we would qualify the UK as a Western nation.

But why do we use this notion of a ”western” nation? If we are living on a globe and if the Greenwich longitudinal system is a mere convention, who is to tell what is west and what is east? The idea of “western” has thus in recent decades in everyday usage lost most of its geographical meaning and some would say that it is just a loose term to describe a set of particular values. Nonetheless, it seems that almost every person on this planet still has a sense that there is a difference between eastern and western mentalities and ways of life. Westerners are then thought of as more rational, individualistic and action-oriented as compared to the more collective and meditative Easterners. One of the aspects of the western approach to life is that strips it of a lot of magic, and so in New Age circles the notion of ”west” has sometimes come to be used in a derogatory sense.

There may thus be reasons to explore the origin of these differences? Are they the results of traditions that have emerged just by accident, as conventional academic wisdom would imply, or are there more profound reasons for the existence of a Western and an Eastern mentality on this planet? To explore this we may need to retrieve the wisdom of the ancient peoples of the earth, who more often than not would associate the four geographical directions with different spiritual qualities. This was true not only in China and India, but in Native America as well. Among Native Americans in North America proper it is common with ceremonies developed around the Medicine Wheel where different qualities are seen as associated with different directions.

This was also true among the ancient Maya, whose World Tree gave rise to the four directions, and in essence this Cross has the same meaning as the Medicine Wheel. Its four directions were each being dominated by one of the Bacabs, a directional deity that was associated with a special quality and colour. It was also thought that each time period was ruled by a certain Bacab, meaning that when this Bacab was ruling he would set his mark on life and so the “wind”, or in other words the spiritual inspiration, would be coming from this same direction and carry the qualities that were associated with him.

Since such views seems to have been widely prevalent in ancient times it may be worth exploring if there indeed exists such a World Tree that serves to generate a difference in mentality between East and West. This would then also mean that there exists a line that would separate the Western Hemisphere from the Eastern. The initial question would then be where this line would be located. As a working hypothesis I will then hold forth that this line goes somewhere around the 12 longitude East through Rome and Copenhagen. This is the midline of the continental mass of the planet which stretches from Cape Prince Charles in Alaska to Mys Dezhneva in Siberia at Bering’s Sea. Here I will however focus on the meaning of this planetary midline at the 12th longitude East for the history of the Britain Isles. To do so we need to use the Mayan Calendar to see what kinds of “winds” that were generated by the World Tree as the energies of its various time periods shifted.

The Mayan calendar is a system of interconnected cycles of time that exist on many different hierarchical levels and so may be studied at any level of complexity. One of the aspects of this calendrical system that has been most thoroughly studied is the so-called Long Count or Great Cycle that in ancient times served as the Mayan chronology, a calendar by means of which they kept track of the long term passage of time and which was used for inscribing dates on most of their pyramids and other buildings. This Long Count, beginning August 11, 3114 BC and ending December 21, AD 2012, was made up of thirteen so-called baktuns, each of which covered a period of 400 tun = 144,000 days = 394.3 common solar years. This chronology may at first seem peculiar in that it has not only a beginning, but also an end. It is this end date that has attracted so much attention in recent years stimulating ideas and speculations about the era we are living in ourselves. Thus, a key factor in understanding where the world may now be going lies in understanding the underlying basis of the Mayan calendar. Why indeed did the ancient Maya choose these beginning and end dates? If we can identify the spiritual factors that condition the flow of time and cosmic evolution we would be in a much better position when it comes to understanding what our real tasks in life may be.

The Maya lived in a universe of holy time and so it was of utmost importance that all things were consecrated through a date that had a profound spiritual meaning. Different dates and periods of times had inherently different spiritual meanings and so the Mayan chronology differs significantly from our own, which essentially only marks the ticking away of time (or is used for quantitative measurements). In the case of the Long Count we may identify its thirteen baktuns with the Thirteen Heavens that played such a prominent role in ancient Mexican cosmology. Each of these Thirteen Heavens was ruled by a special deity (today we would probably rather say divine force or “energy”) that would determine the spiritual qualities that it was dominated by. Thus, unless the Mayan calendar is a mere superstition, we would expect that these different divine energies would somehow be reflected in the kind of ideas and events that were characteristic of the various baktuns. What is more, consistent with the idea that different Bacabs, directional gods, dominated different time periods, we would then also be able to see how the “wind” would be blowing in different directions during different Heavens. Here I will be using the British Isles as an example.

Below is a table that tells us what energies that were associated with the different periods of time of the Long Count (For reasons that cannot be explained here but has been the subject of a debate between myself and John Major Jenkins at www.diagnosis2012.co.uk the exact timing of the baktun shifts have been corrected by a little bit more than a year as compared to in the traditional Mayan chronology):

Heaven no
Duration (Corrected) Ruling Deity
3115-2721 BC
Xiuhtecutli, god of Fire and Time
Tlaltecutli, god of the Earth
Chalchiuhtlicue, goddess of Water
Tonatiuh, god of the Sun and Warriors
Tlacolteotl, goddess of Love and Childbirth
Mictlantecutli, god of Death
Cinteotl, god of Maize
355- AD 40
Tlaloc, god of Rain and War
AD 40-434
Quetzalcoatl, Lord of the Light
10. 434-829
Tezcatlipoca, Lord of Darkness
11. 829-1223
Yohualticitl, goddess of Birth
12. 1223-1617
Tlahuizcalpantecuthli, god before Dawn
13. 1617-2011
Ometeotl, dual Creator god
Corrected durations of the Thirteen Heavens (baktuns) of the Long Count in terms of Gregorian years together with the Aztec names of the deities that ruled them.

The table above is meant as a help for studying if events at baktun shifts, or possibly the midpoints of the baktuns, somehow can be matched with what we today know about human history. If the divine energies that the ancient Mexicans were symbolizing with their deities are real we would expect dramatic, or at least crucial, events to occur exactly or close to baktun shifts as this is also when the energies in the Heavens shift. Looking at British history, and how this has been affected by the changing winds of the Bacabs, one thing then immediately comes to mind: The beginning of recorded history in Britain and its Roman era encompasses the period AD 43-410. The Roman era in Britain is thus very close to Heaven 9 above when Quetzalcoatl, the lord of light, ruled in the Heaven. Hence, in the year 43 the Roman Emperor Claudius defeated the Celtic tribes that were living in Britannia, which meant that a wind then blew from the Eastern direction. This period ended as the last Roman soldier left Britain in the year 410, demonstrating that a wind began to blow in the Eastern direction as Heaven 10, ruled by the Lord of Darkness, began (This time period, incidentally is known in traditional historical research as the “Dark Ages”).

The Roman conquest of Britain may not be the most obvious reason to qualify this period as a Heaven of light as its rule by Quetzalcoatl might seem to imply. A more direct expression of this light would rather be that it saw the emergence and establishment of Christianity. Indeed, it has sometimes been suggested that Christ and Quetzalcoatl share the same energy, although this has been described from two different directional perspectives. Hence, if we look at the time around the beginning of Heaven 9, ruled by the Lord of Light, we may note that Jesus is believed to have been crucified in the year 33. Then Paul, who in many ways became the actual founder of the Christian religion, was converted in 37 and began going out on his missionary journeys in the year 40. The first Christian parish was founded in Rome in the 40’s and it is only at this point that chroniclers began mentioning the existence of this new belief. The real demarcation line, when we might say that a new religion was founded, was however probably the Apostolic meeting in Jerusalem in the year 49. There it was decided that anyone, also persons that were not ethnical Jews and did not abide by the Mosaic Law in all of its detail, could become part of the Christian community. Since such a declaration was unacceptable to the Orthodox Jews it amounted to the decisive break between Judaism and Christianity, and this happened shortly after the new energy came to rule.

Incidentally, given this emergence of a new religion and a wind blowing from the East as the Ninth Heaven began the persistent claims that a very early Christian parish could have been formed in the British Isles, more specifically in Glastonbury by diasporic Christians such as Joseph of Aramethia, does not at all seem implausible.

As the eleventh heaven later began, strictly in the year 829, the British Isles were hit by another “wind” – that of the Viking raids originating in Scandinavia. Although the beginning of the Viking era is usually set by the attack on the monastery of Lindisfarne in 793, it seems that such raids were sparse and far in between until the 830’s, when chroniclers begin to mention them frequently. The first half of this Heaven was very much marked by Danish invasions of England to a point where, at its midpoint, the Danish King Canude came to rule this country. In parallel with this, Norwegian invaders would relentlessly attack Scotland and Ireland.

After William the Conqueror’s invasion from Normandy in 1066, slightly after the midpoint of the Heaven, the wind from the East however stopped and England became a unified nation state. Slowly the wind began to blow in the opposite direction and at the next shift of energies in the Heavens, in 1223, the relationship between England and the continent was actually reversed. Around that time the English King had major interests in France and expansive wars were fought in that direction. This focus on the East did not shift until about at the midpoint of the twelfth Heaven as Joan of Arc (1412-1431) had her visions that guided the French to oust the English King. This is not the only example of how divinely inspired visions conform to the timing of the Mayan Calendar and the directional influences of the Bacab. Many other examples can be given although the inspired prophet or leader has not been aware of the origin of these influences. Human history is made by human individuals and so the divine plan that operates through the time schedule provided by the Mayan calendar uses human beings as mediators of cosmic information, often transmitted through visions. In the end what is meant to happen happens even if everything may not have been laid down in details.

The reader may now realize where I am heading. I want to demonstrate a cyclical pattern of movements to and from the British Isles that becomes visible if we use the Mayan Calendar as a matrix for our study and accept the existence of an invisible planetary midline around the 12 longitude East. The alternating movements from East to West can thus be understood if there is a reality to the Mayan deities ruling time and if the directional deities, the Bacabs, are linked to these by the winds blowing in different directions during different Heavens.

As we then arrive at the beginning of the thirteenth and last Heaven in 1617 the true build-up of the colonial power of Britain begins. Surely, it can be said that already Henry VIII, a century earlier, had set Britannia to sea and British pirates had been active in the Caribbean already for a while. Yet, the decisive difference that takes place around the time of the beginning of the Thirteenth Heaven is that colonies are actually formed. The strength of its wind blowing in the Western direction drives the first pilgrims to settle in Massachusetts in 1620. It is the influence of this wind that turned Great Britain into a powerful Western nation; west then meaning west of the trunk of the World Tree.

The Mayan calendar describes a wave movement generated by the trunk of the invisible World Tree that served as a wave generated creating Heavens alternating between duality and unity. As odd-numbered Heavens begin a duality is introduced along the planetary midline. The trunk of the World Tree, separating the Western and Eastern hemispheres, may then be seen as an invisible line forming a part of and in fact generating the earth’s spiritual grid. This is not unlike Ley lines or other energy lines studied by dowsers. An important difference between the trunk of the World Tree and most other proposed energy lines is however that its effects can be demonstrated through empirical historical research. The introduction of dualities along this trunk incidentally also has a corresponding effect on the human mind where thinking with the left brain half is strengthened simultaneously with the Western Hemisphere. These effects are real and to verify their existence all you need is knowledge of the major time periods of the Mayan calendar.

Ancient Mayan prophets would see themselves as expressions of the World Tree and this model has an immense power for explaining the current situation and future of humanity. In fact, the Western dominance that today we take so much for granted is now coming to an end and a balance between the male Western hemisphere and the Eastern female hemisphere will ensue. This does not mean that the East will defeat the West by military or other means as some Islamic terrorists may have desired. Rather we are in the early stages of a process preparing us for a spiritual enlightenment to be attained by the year 2012.

Carl Johan Calleman