How do we Create the End to Dominance?
The Global Process of the Midlight Meditation

For all that we know the very phenomenon of dominance emerged with the beginning of the Mayan calendar cycle called the Long Count in 3114 BC. This calendar cycle brought a new frame of consciousness and as a result there suddenly emerged – initially in Sumer and Egypt – social hierarchies, patriarchal religions, monarchies and organized warfare based on the use of metal weapons. As has been eloquently described by Leonard Shlain in The Goddess versus the Alphabet the emergence of writing, reflecting left-brain dominance, step-by-step brought an end to the cult of the goddess and the feminine that had been prevalent in large parts of the world prior to the surge of these first patriarchal civilizations.

For a long time the expressions of dominance that emerged at this time have been presented as natural and part of the human condition. Dominance has been seen as a given part of human nature and based on this we have ever since then been asked to simply accept its various expressions that have permeated human life. Not only that, in a sense the phenomenon of dominance is something that we have also internalized and applied between different parts of ourselves. For a long time the female aspects of ourselves were dominated by our male aspects without us even knowing it. And maybe at the current time it is the very phenomenon of dominance that is the greatest collective impediment on the human path towards an enlightened world. If we can achieve the end to dominance peace will naturally follow. If this is so, we should give some real serious consideration to how it is to be dealt with. If dominance is blocking the path to the freedom of the soul, how do we create an end to it.

For some time now (actually from the beginning of the Fourth World in 1947) a new frame of consciousness favoring the intuitive right brain half has however, as part of the cosmic plan, come to influence our lives in significant ways. Although manifesting itself primarily in various paths of healing and increased equality in private relationships these phenomena point out the direction in which humanity and the planet is now evolving also on a collective scale.

I feel the time may now have come for us to really make use of the conclusions we may draw from the Mayan calendar to support the transformation of human life in the direction of enlightenment. The fact that the very phenomenon of dominance is an aspect of the consciousness that came to rule human beings from the time of the onset of the Long Count has very wide-ranging consequences. First of all, it means that the various expressions of dominance that emerged about 5000 years ago were truly the results of a consciousness that has been ruling only in a certain cycle. This in turn means that these expressions are not part of an eternal human nature, but of the particular evolution of consciousness that was carried by the Long Count.

This patriarchal frame of consciousness seems however to have been part of the divine plan and the various civilizational expressions that it created may in the end also have brought some substantial benefits to the human race. Thus, its left-brain mentality created the technology that has made life considerably more comfortable in later times and a number of its manifestations must be considered as decisive advances on the path of humanity. Yet, it seems that on an inner level left brain dominance created the human experience of separation from which most of human suffering, and especially that of an inner nature, has resulted. I have outlined the various aspects of the change in consciousness that took place as the Long Count began in my books The Mayan Calendar (Garev, 2001) and The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (Bear and Co, 2004). Taken together I feel they can be summarized as following: The external advances in human life were paid for by a price; the loss of internal happiness.

Another consequence of the Mayan calendar is that as new and higher levels (Underworlds) of consciousness have started to affect human beings the rule of the patriarchal consciousness of the Long Count has receded and will even be reversed. The detailed course of this process may be beyond any human being to prophecy, but its overall direction seems clear. Hence we may expect in the current Galactic Underworld to come to an End to Dominance. This Underworld is developing through a period of time that is as short as thirteen tuns (360-day periods) ending October 28, 2011. This Underworld brings not only a speed-up of time, but also considerable turbulence as each pulse favoring the right brain half will mean that many of our notions of the world will be reversed. The wave-like flip-floping of the human consciousness at the present time, described by the various time energies of the Mayan calendar, repeatedly seems to put in question everything we thought we knew. Who is it that is really dominating whom? In the large scale of world politics the answers are not always clear. It is in the very nature of the present Underworld that new syntheses of the thinking of the left and right brain halves are constantly being produced and then fairly shortly afterwards partially dissolved. All the more reason not to trust any guru who is seeking temporary dominance rather than the benefit of all of mankind. This flip-floping may even make it difficult for very psychic people to prophecy the course of events as prophecies always emerges in the consciousness field ruling at a specific time and no one is exempt from this influence.

Despite this there is a direction to the present evolution of consciousness. This direction is towards equality and the End to Dominance. Pulse by pulse the right intuitive and holistic brain half, that for about 5000 years has been dominated by the left brain half, is becoming more strongly expressed. Because of the special functions of the right brain half this process tends to bring people away from linear time and to live in the present moment. This process then also creates the possibilities of bringing dominance within ourselves to an end. As a result, projections of the earlier left-brain dominance onto the external world (that created the social hierarchies in the first place) are coming to an end.

Maybe this “return of the right brain half” is what was talked about in the Sermon of the Mount that for such a long time seems to have had little relevance in human history. Yet, if our consciousness evolves according to a divine plan, and this I feel has now been unequivocally proven by the Mayan calendar, then we may study this plan and at least my own conclusion is that now is the time for the Sermon of the Mount to come true. Although, there are now quite rational reasons to believe this, we also need to have faith in the process, what is actually faith in the divine process of creation. Faith ultimately can only come from a source within ourselves.

Based on our faith in the process generated by the Galactic Underworld we may chose to actively participate in it or not, and it is obvious that this choice will have very far-reaching consequences. When you think about it, if it is true that all the problems that are plaguing humanity are due to its separation from the divine source then we may now be in for a big step. The reason is that this separation comes out of the internal dominance of one half of us over the other. We have been separate not only from the divine, but also from our true selves because of the effects of the consciousness field that has been ruling us for the past 5000 years. The polarity in consciousness has created a dominance of the Western/left brain half hemisphere over the other and so we have not experienced ourselves as part of All That Is.

Thus, on the very level of consciousness we have been separate also from one another, the other living beings, the Earth and the Cosmos. No wonder that the biosphere is threatened among other things by climatic changes caused by human-made emissions. The frame of consciousness that has been ruling us for a long time has created our separation from the Earth. That this has been the case is nobody’s fault, so to speak, since this dominance has corresponded to a specific phase with a specific purpose of the divine process of creation. The period of the Long Count served not only to give life a higher potential through technological advances, but also to create a human awareness of the existence of the divine. Yet, even if this separation was a necessary phase in our evolution that can be very exactly tracked through the various baktuns of the Mayan calendars, it seems that now at the Midlight of a new Underworld the time has come to bring the End to Dominance.

I feel it is the chief purpose of the Galactic Underworld that started on January 5, 1999 and will end on October 28, 2011 to bring dominance to an end. Nonetheless, since we human beings are the agents of this mentality of dominance the success of this process will require our active participation. How shall this be accomplished? I do not on my own part have any standard recipes to pull out. What I may bring to the party is a knowledge from the Mayan calendar as to the rhythm with which this process will develop, and the knowledge as to appropriate dates on which to focus our attention for the realization of this process.

Let us look a little bit more closely on what dominance is. It is a frame of consciousness with much broader consequences than we spontaneously would probably mostly think. We take it for granted that a woman who is beaten by her husband is dominated by him, but at a closer look it would seem that both of them are also dominated by something else – a polarized frame of mind. Actually the two of them are expressing dominance or imbalance in their individual minds, and this again in turn is a result of the polarity in our consciousness that was already discussed.

Dominance obviously is not only expressed in most personal relationships, but exists also on a very large collective scale in most economic relationships, where some party(ies) dominate the other. Yet, because we as a species for so long has been subordinated to a consciousness that has been out of balance we have come to think that it is only natural that dominance exists also in the external world in the realm of politics and economics. Most people would be absolutely certain that this is the only way the world could look like. In reality, the economic dominance of some over others is just a consequence of the dominance of the left abstracting brain half in all the people involved. It is this brain half that tends to turn the concrete real values of life into numbers and abstractions that currently drive economic cycles. I feel we should start to dream about what would happen to economic relationships if this dominance of the left brain half came to an end.

People may also be dominated by drugs, alcohol and any number of habits that prevent them from being our divine enlightened selves. This may seem like a phenomenon totally unrelated to economic dominance, but on the level of consciousness it is the same dominance that is involved. It should probably also be pointed out here that spiritual communities are in no way exempt from dominance. Nothing can be fully exempted as dominance has been mediated by the consciousness field of the planet with a West/East-polarization with which our left/right brain halves are in holographic resonance. We have all experienced many of the forms of the wide range of expressions of dominance and know that there is a wide range of methods to work with many of these expressions of dominance as individual problems. However, if we from the Mayan calendar draw the conclusion that dominance is a predicament that has been ruling the human mind only for a limited period of time, 5000 years, and this will now step by step come to an end, then we may probably also deal with it on the level of collective consciousness.

Thus, the “End to Dominance” is not the end of rule by Bush and Cheney, nor is it the end of dominance by bin Laden or Kim Jong il. The End of Dominance” is a spiritual project where the very point is not to project its source outside of ourselves, but seeing the hold that it may have within ourselves and weeding this out. Needless to say, dominance will not disappear because we attack the people dominating, since this would be nothing but an attempt of the attacker to become a dominator him/herself. Nor will we arrive at an End to Dominance by simply complaining about it. The task is to set an End to Dominance through weeding out the very phenomenon of dominance from humanity and each of its members. This may be hard work and lead us to see things about ourselves that we did not want to see or deal with.

This may all sound like trying to lift ourselves in the hair, and yet, as I pointed out in my earlier articles about the Midpoint of other Underworlds (see my web page phenomena completely unfathomable prior to it has emerged exactly at its Midpoint. These were phenomena without which the entire following process of the particular Underworld would be unthinkable. And so, we have reasons to expect that something of this order will happen also at the upcoming midpoint of June 1-2, 2005 (13 Ahau and 1 Imix). I suspect however that it will be required of us at this point that we participate actively and actually chose to set an End to Dominance. To set an End to Dominance we thus need to consciously choose to become co-creators with the divine. The Fourth DAY of the Galactic Underworld creates a supportive field for the End to Dominance, but we will need to do the work ourselves.

Creating the End to Dominance is really the same thing as opening up for freedom, true freedom, the freedom to evolve towards unity and Oneness that I feel is a natural aspiration of the human soul. This is not the freedom to buy a car or to cast votes to the institution of government at certain intervals, but the freedom of the soul to evolve without its present constraints. It means freedom from being dominated, but also freedom from being dominating. This in turn means the freedom for ourselves to be and let others be. Freedom to see ourselves and others as we really are without the constraining effect of multiple forms of dominance. The first step towards this freedom is obviously to see the phenomenon of dominance in and around ourselves and recognize it as such.

I feel there are second steps that we may take to intentionally approach the attainment of such freedom, given the right timing in the divine plan as this is encoded by the Mayan calendar. For one thing, creating resonance with the Cosmic World Tree generating these alternating fields that develop our consciousness, may serve exactly to create independence from all dominance through direct connection to this source. There are also consciousness transforming techniques such as Deekshas that may give us the energy to transform our individual minds from dominance, in addition to many more established and traditional means raising our energies such as meditation and yoga to mention two. I feel that there also may be a large number of visualization techniques and inner work that may serve for us to actively sever all kinds of bonds of dominance that we harbor between parts of ourselves and in our relationships to others. If dominance is something that we harbor within ourselves it is hard to see that we could create an end to it without our active participation.

What is also required in this preparation is that we are actively looking at the expression dominance takes within ourselves. Obviously, we need to avoid acting out dominance and have the self-confidence and divine inspiration to value ourselves without it. Not only that. The actual means and techniques of setting an End to Dominance and opening up to the freedom of the soul is probably currently only partially at hand. And so throughout this process of creation expressing the new right brain energies of the Galactic Underworld, we need to actively inquire into and develop the spiritual means for creating the End to Dominance. This is not something that can be done by anyone alone. It will require the participation of the many and not the least processes designed to set an End to Dominance may often require combined efforts of more than one person.

On my own part, I feel we can achieve this, but only as long as we work together with a common intent of accomplishing a world liberated from dominance. We will have to develop means as we go along and also recognize that each of our contributions may be crucial to the entire process. The latter is not to be heard as an empty phrase. Since we are up to transforming the collective consciousness of humanity, it means that in a very literal sense everyone’s piece of the puzzle is part of the puzzle and counts. I feel the Midlight Meditation is not to be held as a one time event where we suddenly gather at a field, drowsy after months of spiritual sleeping. The date June 1 (13 Ahau) can only be a temporary finish line. Creating the End to Dominance will require of all of us that we starting now participate in a process of active preparation leading up to the Midlight Celebration. The time frame of this process can only be the true Sacred Calendar count as this is the only one that provides a path to resonance with the Cosmic World Tree. (Watch out for Sacred calendars invented by gurus). Following the true Sacred Calendar may also help to generate the faith needed for the process, since it may create the realization that we are evolving according to the rhythm of a divine cosmic plan. The guidance of the Mayan Calendar is a crucial part of this process.

“Will it be worth the efforts?” someone may ask. Well, if we think about it, do we really have a choice? Is not 5000 years of a world order of dominance enough? What would be a worthier and more freeing task for our souls? Is it not time?

Carl Johan Calleman